Coles ‘Gingerbread’.
We were thrilled to be asked by local agency Big Red to submit designs for a gingerbread character that was going to feature prominently in Coles's 2017 Christmas Campaign. Initially we were asked to create a detailed textured gingerbread character to be used in-store in various print deployments, and as such, the final rendered resolution needed to be high and the gingerbread texture itself had to be realistic. And did I mention that he had to be cute too?
From supplied references and samples of the gingerbread product, we quickly established a look and style that everyone was pleased with, and from that, we began sculpting the gingerbread into numerous poses.
Once the final print renders were complete and delivered, the discussion turned to animation. It wasn't part of the original brief but with the asset already built and a cheeky animation test done by the CADRE PICTURES crew (see below), we were given the green light to produce a library of stand-alone animations that would be integrated into various social media content in-house at Big Red. It was a smart, cost effective way of commissioning high quality animation and utilising in-house editing services to bring it all together for the various deliverables.